improve speed

Convert your Wordpress site into an SPA and still rank.

swap content instead of full page reloads

Stop the full page reloads. Swap out only what's needed.

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Be the first in line to try WP Swapper!

The future of Wordpress is now - WP Swapper replaces components instead of fetching pages.

No more full page reloads. Only swap the components that change.

Buy WP Swapper Now

Experience better performance with WP Swapper.

WP Swapper uses ajax technology with HTMX to swap only what's needed in and out of the page. All of your headers, footers, widgets, CSS, JS, etc... persist instead of reloading everything again with every click on your site.

See how snappy your site is without page reloads!

example of content swapping

Your site will function normally with javascript turned off.

WP Swapper is one of the few plugins that won't break your site when javascript is turned off. Ajax requests turn into normal http requests, converting your application back into a normal website.

Users that have javascript turned off will not be affected!

works without javascript

Serve static pages to search engines.

It's a common controversy whether bots are able to crawl single page applications quick enough (or at all). WP Swapper won't serve dynamic elements to bots, it will serve static pages as to not affect your rankings.

Keep your rankings while increasing user experience!

server static content to search engines

You're using WP Swapper right now!

Click through some pages! Feel how snappy the content changes by using swap technology. Turn off javascript, watch the site still work as intended! Experience a single page application without the downsides!